Divine Crisis’ Solution

After Susano’s deeds, Amaterasu hid in the “Heavenly Rock Cave” (Ama-no-iwato). Due to this, Earth and High Plains of Heaven plunged into darkness – this resulted in the rice fields laying fallow, and the Earth being plagued by various disasters. Seeing what was happening, eight hundred gods met by the Celestial River to devise a plan to lure Amaterasu out […]

Natto – fermented soybeans

It does not sound delicious, does it? Moreover, it looks just as tasteless… To many nations of the world as disgusting as Natto may sound: pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, “Russian” dumplings or cottage cheese (it is rumored that the Japanese do not like cottage cheese). Beautiful soybeans 🙂 Natto is a product not well known outside of Japan, and is one […]

Amaterasu – The Goddess of the Sun

Thanks to many “adjustments” made due to political motives, past mythology experts, by drawing graceful genealogical trees (and, in some cases, very far-fetched), proved that bloodlines of imperial families originated from the Sun Goddess. The emperor was not without reasons holding the name of “the child of the Sun.” For a long time Amaterasu was worshiped in palace temples, until […]

The beginnings of the divine crisis

Before Izanagi left the Earth, he generously gifted his children – each one of them was assigned a specific part of his kingdom over which they should exercise custody: Amaterasu received a necklace (the symbol of sovereignty) and the Sky, Tsukiyomi received as a gift the World during the night time, Susano got the Oceans under his reign. Amaterasu and […]